Our Euphory is your comfort, in every movement,
in every posture, in each and every step you take. It
is in confidence, in every dance move, jab or yoga
pose. But most importantly, our Euphory is
inclusivity and diversity!
Euphory is not just a manufacturer of feminine hygiene
products but a fighter for the well-being of women around the
world. We are a team in a long-lasting battle for gender equality,
protecting women’s and gender non-conforming people’s rights and
against gender-based violence. We are here to support your identity, religion, culture, and sexuality. We are convinced that a
woman is so much more than a body or a number of
stereotypical characteristics.
Our aim is to deliver health, reliable protection, and
empowerment on the go or in your sleep. Our
manifesto is to fight all forms of discrimination
against those most often targeted and create an
equality-based society!
Our project started to create simple and convenient feminine
hygiene products, which are not only light, soft, and flexible, but
also combine secrets of traditional Chinese herbal medicine and
modern technology. We created our products to make your period
experience easier with the help of exquisite aesthetics and
delicate natural materials.
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